
LivingSpiritual & Healing


How Color therapy heals Physical & Emotional Health

 By Dr Anju Sharma

The main objective of color therapy is to correct physiological and psychological imbalances in the human body.

There are 9 frequencies in the universe which have 9 colors.  Each color has different physical or psychological symptoms.

We have seven colors and according to Indian philosophy, these seven colors represent the chakras that are the centres of spiritual power and the energy field within our bodies. The flow of energy in the human body (and even in the universe) moves upward. Therefore, when the chakras move from its place or become imbalanced color therapy helps to bring them back to its point.

  1. Red

Red is a passionate and warm color which brings vitality and stimulates energy. It is the base color representing the root chakra, located at the base of the spine. It is the basic frequency connected to the Earth. If the red frequency is excessively high then that person is over-confident in every aspect of life. If the red frequency is low, then that person lives in fear. The suicidal tendency also comes into the frame if the red frequency is on the lower side.

  1. Orange

Orange is related to joy and happiness and represents the Sacral Chakra which is located 2-3 inches below the navel. It is the mind-body chakra. This colour is associated with reproduction, body parts like adrenals and pleasure. If the orange frequency is weak then the frequency of creativity also goes down. People with low orange frequency face infertility issues. Sexual desire falls. Even the water element is weak. On the other hand, if the frequencies are high the sexual desires are also high. If you want to create anything new either a project or a new life, the colour orange is very important.

  1. Yellow

Yellow represents the Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and sternum. This bright and cheerful color can help stimulate intelligence and also detoxify the body and mind and enhance the immunity to heal ailing people. Yellow color indicates fire and symbol of action. If the yellow frequency is weak then the ability to activate our plans go down. If a person gets easily anxious it is because the frequency of the colour yellow is imbalanced. Such people also face digestive issues.

  1. Green

Color Green represents the Heart Chakra. It’s associated with body parts like the heart and lungs. Since the color is associated with the heart so all related issues like peace, harmony, calmness and the feeling of lack of love can be sorted with this color. This color is known for its balanced healing properties. People with low green frequency are  introvert. If the frequency is in excess then the person is called an extrovert. Both introverts and extroverts don’t have harmony.


Blue represents the Throat Chakra. This is associated with the thyroid and metabolism. Anybody who has thyroid their blue frequency is imbalanced. Looking from the psychological aspect, most of these ailing people are females. As they are suppressive. These days even kids are falling in this category. During this Covid-19, the frequency of color blue is getting disturbed. Increase in domestic violence has increased the suppression that lowers the frequency and makes the person weak.

  1. Indigo

 Indigo is all about vision. It represents The Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows. This is associated with the pituitary gland and influences our sleep cycles, self-esteem, clarity, wisdom, and intuition. This color is good especially for the kids, to increase their focus, memory and concentration.  On the physical level, problems like headache, weak eyesight are the symptoms.

  1. Violet

Violet represents the Crown Chakra which is located at the top of the head. It is associated with awareness, higher consciousness and insight. It is the connection between the internal and external world. All those people who want to do meditation but are not able to because of lack of connection and distraction are due to their low frequency of color violet. On the health front, these colors are related to the cerebral and nervous systems.

Besides these, 2 more colors are there that add up to 9 colors in total- Black and White

  1. Black– It is the color of absorption. Wear it where you want to hide your personality.
  2. White– White is the color of reflection as well as spirituality. It is also the color of the universe because white is the source of all the other colors. The universe started with the white light and ends with black.


 To correct the misbalanced color frequencies, below discussed methods are mostly recommended.

*     Start wearing that particular color. If you don’t want to wear then keep trying to keep that color around you so that your body can absorb its frequencies. A particular color has various shades. Therefore, wear those shades that you connect with. The same concept is applied to gemstones as well. If we see in psychological perspective, your emotions are also weak due to imbalanced color frequency.

*     Water is considered as the first medicine. Drinking water helps your body. If we infuse the frequencies of the color into water and then consume, it will work wonders. Take fresh drinking water in a glass bottle, wrap it with the shade of the color you connect with and place it in the early morning sun for around 2 hours. The sun’s rays will have infused the water with the color frequencies which you can consume the entire day. Avoid plastic bottles.

*  If you feel that all your colors’ frequencies are disturbed then start with the red base frequency. That is the survival instinct. Follow it for 20-25 days then move to the next colour in line – orange. If most of the people balance the red frequency, the root chakra then 90% of the problem is solved. Wear those colors that connect to you..

About the Author

Dr Anju Sharma, is a Psychic reformer, Sound & Energy Master and Founder of the Musical Healing Band named “Sound of Infinity Band”. 

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