By Jeevika Sharma
Relatives are extended family and they are supposed to be happy whenever something good happens in the family. Unfortunately, it is not the case in many households. In the era of competition and thankfulness relatives envy others’ lifestyles or achievements without knowing the battles others had to fight. This envious nature often turns into jealousy.
Here are a few signs which show your relatives envy your happiness:
- They are never happy with your achievements. Envious relatives would never be joyous of your achievements. This is because they themselves have not achieved any noteworthy milestone.
- They never acknowledge your efforts or hard work in life. Relatives who envy your happiness will never appreciate the hard work you do or have done to live a happy and comfortable life. The reason behind is that they themselves are not happy and would want you to be on the same page as them because they do not have the courage to put in the extra effort.
- Envious relatives who have the willingness to work hard to be happy will blindly follow you only to compete with you. Be it your profession, way of living, etc. They try to find happiness through your living standard. They are not mature enough to understand that not everyone can be happy by living the same life.
- When your relatives stop visiting you, stop talking to you or are meeting lesser is a clear sign that they envy your happiness. They find it hard to digest that they cannot be as happy as you are so they stop seeing you.
- Another sign that your relatives envy your happiness is that they keep pointing flaws in you or your life. They do not want you to feel happy is the reason they try to distract your happiness by forcing your attention on flaws rather than happiness.
- A major sign that your relatives envy your happiness is that they never help you. For them helping you would bring happiness in your life which is something they never want to happen.