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10 Ways to Treat & Repair hair Damage

By Dr. Blossom Kochhar

Winters- the time when nothing can bother your happy mood, the nip in the air, the greenery around just makes everything perfect. But there is something that causes us great stress during winters that are damaged and dry hair. During this season it is inevitable to wash our hair with warm water sometimes even with hot water. We have so many reasons to dress up with Christmas, new years.

And we end up using heating tools to style our hair which causes even more damage.

But we just can’t let our hair be all frizzy, dry and dead during this beautiful weather. So, let’s try these easy ways to repair and take care of it in winter.

1.      If you feel your hair has become really damaged, visit a salon and get a nice hair cut done. Many times, we feel that applying some products will help it whereas it is as simple as getting rid of split ends. So, book your appointment now and get it back healthy.

2.      Most of us are washing our hair with hot water which is making them extremely dry. So its time to give your hair a good oil massage. Mix 1 teaspoon each of olive oil, castor oil and 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil. Further, heat this and massage it into your scalp thoroughly. Keep it on by tying a towel around or wear a shower cap for at least half an hour and then shampoo.

3.      During this season It is really important to choose the correct shampoo, I recommend using a moisture boost nourishing shampoo. And since it is winter’s stick to washing your hair twice or thrice a week not more than that.

4.   Our hair too becomes really dry and brittle in winters. Like we go for nourishing skin treatment, give your hair the same luxury. Make a nourishing pack at home by mixing 1 banana with 1 teaspoon of cream, and quarter teaspoon of castor oil. Keep it pack for half an hour and rinse it off thoroughly. It might take 1-2 washes for the banana to completely go from hair, but trust me it’s the best nourishing pack.

5.      Another thing that you cannot do without in winters is using a good creamy conditioner. Use a conditioner which deeply hydrates for hair which will help in avoiding split ends. Only use it on the ends as it is a little extra creamy. It might make it oily quicker than usual.

6.      Never step out of your home with wet hair. Since we have already washed our hair with warm water, the cold wind will make it more brittle and drier. So, it is always better to let your it completely dry and only then step out.

7.      Another hair mask that can do wonders for you and can be made easily at home is conditioning pack. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons of hair conditioner, depending on the length , with 1 teaspoon glycerin and quarter teaspoon of vinegar to add shine to it along with a few drops of sandalwood essential oil. This pack gives instant sheen and luster.

8.      One thing I am absolutely sure off, most of us in this season have one common enemy and that is dandruff. No matter how much oiling we do but having dandruff in winters is just unavoidable. So, to combat this enemy the best thing which you can try is. Mix half tablespoon of lemon with a quarter teaspoon of vinegar. Use a cotton ball to apply it all over your scalp, and then comb it after application. It might cause some irritation or itching but don’t worry that means it is working. Do this once a week only as too much sour can lead to hair fall.

9.      This is the season to swear by serums and leave on conditioners. In winters it is absolutely necessary to layer your hair with nourishing products to keep them healthy.

10.   A heat protectant is a must, we will be going out for parties/festivities so will be doing loads of stylings. We are already using hot water to wash our hair. We don’t want to damage it further by directly exposing it to heating tools. So, before using your straighteners or any heating tools use a hair protector always, this will in fact give you a better result.

About the Author

Dr. Blossom Kochhar, is the Founder & Chairperson of the Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies.

Dr. Blossom Kochhar, Founder & Chairperson of the Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies

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