~ Celebrating the 400th birth anniversary of the ninth Guru. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji – the protector of humanity, with Salok Mahalla 9 | Jo Sukh Ko Chaahe Sadaa.
~ This marks the start of live Prayer streaming sessions every morning. And evening to help everyone anchor themselves during these uncertain times.
To spread a positive outlook towards life in the midst of the Pandemic, Indian pop Icon Daler Mehndi. Encourages all to PRAY for those who are suffering and their families. Marking the 400th Birth Anniversary of the Ninth Guru, the HIND ki Chadar, Shrisht ki Chadar – Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib. Daler Mehndi has started daily live streaming sessions ‘Rooh Se Raab Tak’ on 1st May 2021. Which will continue till 15 May 2021 starting at 7 am -8 am, and evening 7 pm – 8 pm. He urges everyone to celebrate by meditating, lighting up diyas, connecting with our soul. And aligning with the Divinity, praying hard for these trying times, asking for peace for the souls that have left us.

These live prayers will be an hourly session on his YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK page. And will continue every day with morning and evening sessions where various artists will participate in Pray for healing. With people getting anxious about the ongoing pandemic. These Live sessions will be Encouraging and motivating people, a small effort. To make sure that people indulge in mental rejuvenation. Gratitude and relax their mind and body. The first step towards health is a balanced, happy, mindful mind. His team is open to anyone who is willing to collaborate with them. And wants to use this platform for singing or reciting prayers. People can reach out to his team at mails@dalermehndi.com
As we sail through these challenging times, Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji’s 400th Prakash Purab (Illumination Day) comes to our rescue. Celebrating his teachings, Daler Mehndi launched his new song ‘Jo Sukh Ko Chahe Sadaa’ which is a strong mantra with 57 shlokas authored by Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur. The road map to have a ‘Spiritual Immunity’ is to constantly be in GRATITUDE. Salok Mahalla 9 centres our consciousness, makes us reflect, if we follow the directions, Life becomes joyous. If we learn from the words- JO SUKH KO Chahe Sada – whoever wants eternal bliss – Saran Raam Kee Leh – run take sanctuary, a refuge under Ram. Kaho Nanak Sun Re Mana – Nanak says Listen O Mind! – Durlabh Manukh Deh – this human body is extremely rare.
Talking about the Live prayer session, singing icon Daler Mehndi said, “I have lost my very close family members and friends to COVID just like many other people. But instead of losing hope let us shift our minds from fear to Fearlessness. Together We Can do it. We should empathise, pray for all, Trust and Surrender, Be more mindful, Pause and Process your thoughts and feelings, check if they are in alignment with the Divine, if not, start over, We should pay our Gratitude to the supreme power”.
He adds that people nowadays are not even aware of the value of the rare precious gift
– our Human Body. Only if we were to acknowledge ourselves, teach our kids how durlabh (rare) our human body, life and the mind is – only then, we will be able to take care of it and only then will make well-informed choices and thus be better people, then a better society, a nation and a world. We are reminded of the words of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the 10th Guru –
Guru Tegh Bahadur Simariyai – Meditating on Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib ji
Ghar Nau Nidh Aawe Dhaye – we receive the 9 treasures, (of which Great Physical Health is one and the riches of the world ) – Oneness with the Divine
Sabh Thaayee Hoye Sahaaye – we get the support – Right Here Right Now
Our parents or grandparents had experienced partition, wars etc. Today we all are experiencing the greatest churning of all times suffering, pain, deaths but we also are getting an opportunity to experience ONENESS- coming together as one big community – HUMANITY.