Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor’s second film, Bhavesh Joshi Superhero helmed by critically-acclaimed filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane hit the screens on June 1, 2018. The talented actor, who chose to take the road less travelled opting for an unconventional debut with Mirzya, proved his versatility by pulling off a heroic role in the vigilante drama. Being a method actor, Harsh Varrdhan worked rigorously for his rebellious character for almost a year, leaving no stone unturned to make it look and sound convincingly on the big screen. Thanking his fans on the social networking site, Harsh Varrdhan had mentioned, “I thank the people who have appreciated and insanely supported Bhavesh Joshi Superhero. It is them who have made the film grow continuously and I hope through its digital existence, the film continues reach out to more people as the year progresses.” Harsh Varrdhan also attended the Neuchatel Film Festival in