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Household items that can be used as gym equipment

By – Hitesh Chhabria – Assistant Technical Training Head, Gold’s Gym India

These days it’s like a season of home workouts and if you failed to stock the home gym equipment’s, don’t worry – there are plenty of items in your home that can double as equipment’s.
Lots of household items can be used as exercise equipment, as long as you use your imagination.

  1. Water Bottles: A one liter water bottle weighs approximately 2.2 pounds, so you can use one in each hand for some lighter weight arm workouts.

Workouts Names:
Bicep curls
Bicep hammer curls
Side lateral raises
Shoulder front raises
Shoulder overhead presses
Bent over rows
Triceps kickbacks

  1. Backpack: To add some extra poundage to the body weight moves, a backpack can be used and filled with cans and bottles or anything heavy and make workouts more challenging for yourself.

Workout names:
Step ups
Bent over rows

  1. Water gallon: The big 5-gallon water bottles for water coolers works the best. Many of these have handles too. They weigh in at 40 lbs when full, so, definitely a substantial amount of weight. The size of them makes them ideal for a lot of exercises of heavy lifting.

Workout names:
Both arm bent over rows
Sumo squats
Stiff legged deadlifts
Shoulder overhead presses

  1. Bucket: Bigger the bucket, the heavier it can be made. You can use a pole for a handle and secure the bucket to each end. Or you can lift the buckets by the handle for independent movement on each side.

Workout names:
Bicep curls
Reverse Bicep curls
Hammer curls
Shoulder front raises
Triceps overhead extensions

  1. Suitcase: Suitcases are great because they have handles! They are also designed to carry quite a bit of weight. Fill with books, clothes, water bottles, cans, etc.

Workout names:
Overhead squats
Split lunges
Bent over rows
Incline/Decline pushups
Hip thrusts

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