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Lion Entertainment now official PR Partners for Most Wanted Records

Most Wanted Records partners with Lion Entertainment, a PR and an Integrated Marketing firm, for its communications mandate. Having launched various artists and performers, Most Wanted Records is on its way to becoming the largest independent hip-hop/rap music label in the country. The team is constantly on the move, looking for the finest underground artists in the genre and providing them a platform to showcase their work along with an array of other opportunities.

To take this vision forward, Lion Entertainment will be responsible for amplifying all the content and be the PR partners for the artists and their tracks. Speaking about the association, Pooja Valeja, Founder and CEO, Lion Entertainment shares, “It’s our pleasure to be associated with Most Wanted Records and with a well equipped team we are sure to go hand-in-hand and achieve their vision.” Speaking about the association, Shantanu Pujari, Vice President, Most Wanted Records shares, “This year is crucial for us, Most Wanted Records has already given a platform to innumerable artists and we plan to launch a big repertoire going forward.”

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